I spent much of August setting up my classroom. Well, a few days anyway. In between all of those last minute summer jobs, I spent my time working on changing my classroom theme to a Mickey Mouse room. It's been a hit!! Its so rewarding to hear the kiddos walk by my room and comment on how "cool, Ms. Mason's Mickey room" is and hearing my Firsties proudly tell others "that's my room!"
My blank canvas to start with...I left all of my bulletin board paper up from last year. It was perfect going from a bee theme.
I saw these great crate benches on Sun, Sand, & Second Grade and could not resist making them. I have 3 benches all in a Mickey fabric. Here's the link for the easy, peasy directions Sun, Sand & Second Grade.
Teachers Pay Teachers has to be my FAVORITE teacher site. I found freebies and very reasonable purchases to create my Daily Five, FACE, number line, and calendar areas. I found the freebies at Live Laugh and Love to Learn, Kindergarten Magic, Sheila Parrot, Heather Bingham, Teaching is Awesome. I made purchases at Ear's What's Happening, Teaching is Awesome, Owl-ways Learning with Kristina Stankovich, Teachablity, Katy LaPlace (she also has a teacher binder set), and Sarah Thebo.
With a little help from Schoolgirl Style, I created tissue fan table signs and lantern Mickeys. The lantern Mickeys were inspired my second favorite teacher site, Pinterest, They were super easy. I painted the top of a red lantern black, cut out yellow construction paper buttons, and black construction paper ears. The hardest part was trying not to get burned by the hot glue gun. Failure on that goal..instant burn blister. 
I love my word wall. Each of the Mickeys and letters was cut out with my Cricut. I used both the Mickey shapes and Mickey font cartridges. The letters were made into sticker for easy applying.
Having friends that sew is a great thing! One friend made me pillow case covers and another made my classroom curtains. I have to say the friend who made the curtains wasn't so sure of my design. She had faith and went with it. She loved them when they were done!
My teacher area is even Mickey-fied! And I love the wall to display the Firsties creations!
Finally, the wall outside of the classroom greets all of the school. The Firsties locker tags are even Mickey themed!
I'd love to know what you think about my theme.
Next up....we have been focusing on Mindfulness in the classroom...I'll share what we have been doing.
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